An early note.
To safeguard your proposals and research methods, kindly ensure that the following materials are ready for use in defence of ideas when we meet after CTs. The pace is likely to acclerate considerably.
1. Key readings (at least 3-5, please highlight relevant sections) sourced from your literature reviews. I understand that they will be well-deployed and applied to substantiate the links between TR1 and TR2 within your chosen topic and proposal.
2. Specific concepts, methods, philosophies or approaches and / or strategies obtained from real-world context / other readings which you intent to apply in your WR.
3. Raw data from primary data collection. Need not be processed. Am fine if some preliminary work has already been done on it. Note that all interviews have to be transcribed at some stage. You may highlight key arguments or ideas which you think may be applicable for use in WR.
Once again, items 1 and 2 are critical pre-requisites if you wish to score well for PW. They carry the greatest potential in scoring well for GI and EV in your WR. Interdisciplinary prospects in your approach to Conservation / Emergency will also be clearly noted here. You will be able to sense the quality of your proposals (and my frank assessment) based on this understanding.
On a personal note, there are a handful of groups which have resorted to appointing one member to work on questionaires and surveys alone. These materials were then tossed to me for editing with tons of careless mistakes and vague assertions made. The standards were less than satisfactory. Please understand that independent learning and group work are key demands of this subject. You are not likely to do well if little effort has been made to work and THINK as a team. I enjoy engaging your ideas but don't make me 'do the thinking / write the proposal ' for you!
It is ok to elect a change in team leader if the latter is unable to cope. Some of you are soldiering on when I suspect a change in leadership would energise the group pacing and climate for the better of all. This has to do with aptitude, not judgement. You can still function professionally as a team. Talk to me individually if this concerns you.
Please take good care of yourself this season. Those who are doing topics on emergency should be finding a goldmine of concepts and strategies in daily news by now. You know what to do :)
I write this with due respect to anyone who has been quarantined because of precautions taken by the authorities. Looking forward to your return to college soon...
To safeguard your proposals and research methods, kindly ensure that the following materials are ready for use in defence of ideas when we meet after CTs. The pace is likely to acclerate considerably.
1. Key readings (at least 3-5, please highlight relevant sections) sourced from your literature reviews. I understand that they will be well-deployed and applied to substantiate the links between TR1 and TR2 within your chosen topic and proposal.
2. Specific concepts, methods, philosophies or approaches and / or strategies obtained from real-world context / other readings which you intent to apply in your WR.
3. Raw data from primary data collection. Need not be processed. Am fine if some preliminary work has already been done on it. Note that all interviews have to be transcribed at some stage. You may highlight key arguments or ideas which you think may be applicable for use in WR.
Once again, items 1 and 2 are critical pre-requisites if you wish to score well for PW. They carry the greatest potential in scoring well for GI and EV in your WR. Interdisciplinary prospects in your approach to Conservation / Emergency will also be clearly noted here. You will be able to sense the quality of your proposals (and my frank assessment) based on this understanding.
On a personal note, there are a handful of groups which have resorted to appointing one member to work on questionaires and surveys alone. These materials were then tossed to me for editing with tons of careless mistakes and vague assertions made. The standards were less than satisfactory. Please understand that independent learning and group work are key demands of this subject. You are not likely to do well if little effort has been made to work and THINK as a team. I enjoy engaging your ideas but don't make me 'do the thinking / write the proposal ' for you!
It is ok to elect a change in team leader if the latter is unable to cope. Some of you are soldiering on when I suspect a change in leadership would energise the group pacing and climate for the better of all. This has to do with aptitude, not judgement. You can still function professionally as a team. Talk to me individually if this concerns you.
Please take good care of yourself this season. Those who are doing topics on emergency should be finding a goldmine of concepts and strategies in daily news by now. You know what to do :)
I write this with due respect to anyone who has been quarantined because of precautions taken by the authorities. Looking forward to your return to college soon...