Sunday, 15 November 2009
the things we leave behind...closing pw 2009
the flu tablets
the hikes to faraway lands
the cognitive pain
the bonding
the emptiness
the friendship
and the hollow richness of what it's left behind.
to all...
Friday, 25 September 2009
tigger's song
Onward now to Cycle 4...
Hope you find abit of yourself during the wr lyric & imagery...
dedicated to all my groups from the forever valiant to those who rose from ashes...
Friday, 28 August 2009
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
PW - touch and go?
You need not look too far for yours'.
Monday, 27 July 2009
Half of the Journey: 28 Jul
Latest pointers on full WR draft (due 5 Aug 5pm) have just been emailed to your respective team resource member(s). See me if their identities remain a mystery to you. Some mails have bounced because mailboxes are left idle or are choked full. Looks like our early sessions on doves, eagles and other car parts (remember?) emerging in team work have become reality- bites for some, by now. Do look forward to a 'lesson' on EQ, self-growth (yes, it happens esp in PW) and group dynamics II soon.
Technical Matters:
In your first and full WR draft, kindly include the following to aid my marking
1. Declaration of word count at the close of each chapter.
2. In cases where pictures or images are used, acknowledge where source is taken from. Ensure they appear in the bibliography as well under the following categories. Books
-Research Journals
-Other sources
This excludes materials taken or developed by the group under which you acknowledge the source as your own eg RJ 123 etc.
3. Use of foot notes is strictly for citation of sources. In cases where you REALLY feel the need elaborate a point or define a crucial theoretical term, ensure you do not exceed two attempts per chapter. Examiners are irritated by groups that abuse footnotes in desperate attempts to conserve words in main text.By the way, every group has been assigned an official group number by MOE. Ensure you receive yours' by this week. Your group number may be cited as a (copyright) source to accompany any original materials (pictures, graphs or templates) developed by the team for use in WR.
Saturday, 18 July 2009
simply, animals
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Full WR: Before National Day
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Chapter One WR DUE 15 Jul Weds 2pm
Team presentations will run in the same week.
Monday, 6 July 2009
fresh updates: talk, advice and feedback
Saturday, 4 July 2009
WR consultations: what to bring
You were placed in groups for a reason. It is a shared grade. And 5-4 brains are better than 2. A sign of commitment. My philosophy to 'teaching' pw:I look forward to learning something new about the topic from you each time we meet. Sadly, the reverse happens most of the time. Mutual engagement works wonders. Your brains will smile, not sulk.
2. Health check - your temperature readings
Sorry...this sounds legalistic but MOE has banned all large group meetings consisting of more than 30 pax. We are not affected. Make use of extra time on your hands now that CCAs have been temporarily suspended. Scramble to close any lapses which have occurred in your pw planning. Inform your team leader if you are feeling unwell and you are advised not to come for meetings. You don't want your entire group to be infected and put on home quarantine to continue your pw project.
2. Bring clear evidence of literature review
This refers to newspaper articles, excerpts from academic readings, case studies, reports (am ok with soft or hard copy) you will be using to score for SUBSTANTIATION of information used in your WR. Highlight sections (concepts, specific data or arguments) you wish to quote to back-up your WR or survey findings. Makes my job easier. I am trained in speed-reading. Don't worry. I want to be assured that your proposals and ideas are modified from interdisciplinary sources and real-world learning. Pictures are a bonus. 'Smoke-bombs' and superficial ideas get us nowhere.
3. Raw Data. This refers to summary of survey findings or interviews (transcribed for easy processing) which you may have completed.
Expect your proposals to evolve. For some, massive intellectual 'facelifts' will be made to push your groups to score well for WR. 40%. The As need to come from here. You will help me alot by doing your part to engage and sift your readings for good concepts and arguments. My role is that of a supervising tutor, not a team leader / member.
Items 1 and 2 are important. I understand that not every group has completed their data collection yet. I stress again that distinctions in PW are mostly determined by group effort followed by good literature reviews done on chosen topic. In terms of scoring, [GI, EV and Org] good grades for WR are always built on this foundation.
Book your appointments early. I do not favour last minute 'house-calls.'
I do not reside in college / bishan. Let us be fair & sensitive to all.
Pw cycle over the next 3 weeks will very intense for everyone. Some of you will be high-strung. A few groups may even panic while a strong handful will breeze through based on good effort put in over the last 4 months; minor touch-ups will do. Rejoice.
You reap what you sow.
You know where you belong.
You know what to build on.
What to avoid.
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Third Week July: 5 min presentation per group
Restrict yourself to no more than 10 slides. Be succinct. You may cover the following areas.
- Conceptual Definitions to Topic & Rationale for topic chosen
- Links between TR1 and TR2
- Explain rationale behind proposal
- Preliminary Insights from data collection
- Strengths & Limitations
You may also use the format shown in Raffles Connect. This format is tailored to groups that have completed their data collection and are ready to present some aspects of their findings.
You may put your work in a thumbdrive or bring your own laptops.On a gentle note, all groups are required to bring their own laptops for classes and consultations. As bookings for com labs are in hot demand this season, there is no guarantee that we can secure a lab for all lessons. This promotes ownership of your own work as well.
Kindly activate your floating slots for further consultations with me. This is the most intense period of pw where top marks need to be earned to secure your A grade for pwWR . 2 periods / week are insufficient due to the large number of groups / topics we are supervising. We seek your kind understanding on our workload.
You know your initiatives and spirit will be warmly appreciated.
Saturday, 27 June 2009
prep for post CT PW WR
To safeguard your proposals and research methods, kindly ensure that the following materials are ready for use in defence of ideas when we meet after CTs. The pace is likely to acclerate considerably.
1. Key readings (at least 3-5, please highlight relevant sections) sourced from your literature reviews. I understand that they will be well-deployed and applied to substantiate the links between TR1 and TR2 within your chosen topic and proposal.
2. Specific concepts, methods, philosophies or approaches and / or strategies obtained from real-world context / other readings which you intent to apply in your WR.
3. Raw data from primary data collection. Need not be processed. Am fine if some preliminary work has already been done on it. Note that all interviews have to be transcribed at some stage. You may highlight key arguments or ideas which you think may be applicable for use in WR.
Once again, items 1 and 2 are critical pre-requisites if you wish to score well for PW. They carry the greatest potential in scoring well for GI and EV in your WR. Interdisciplinary prospects in your approach to Conservation / Emergency will also be clearly noted here. You will be able to sense the quality of your proposals (and my frank assessment) based on this understanding.
On a personal note, there are a handful of groups which have resorted to appointing one member to work on questionaires and surveys alone. These materials were then tossed to me for editing with tons of careless mistakes and vague assertions made. The standards were less than satisfactory. Please understand that independent learning and group work are key demands of this subject. You are not likely to do well if little effort has been made to work and THINK as a team. I enjoy engaging your ideas but don't make me 'do the thinking / write the proposal ' for you!
It is ok to elect a change in team leader if the latter is unable to cope. Some of you are soldiering on when I suspect a change in leadership would energise the group pacing and climate for the better of all. This has to do with aptitude, not judgement. You can still function professionally as a team. Talk to me individually if this concerns you.
Please take good care of yourself this season. Those who are doing topics on emergency should be finding a goldmine of concepts and strategies in daily news by now. You know what to do :)
I write this with due respect to anyone who has been quarantined because of precautions taken by the authorities. Looking forward to your return to college soon...
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Public Forum by URA
Please note that the revised date for the briefing by URA on Conservation for project work, has been confirmed for
13 July 2009 Monday. 2-4 pm (to be seated by 1.45pm)
Venue: City Gallery 3rd Storey theatrette
The URA Centre, 45 Maxwell Road.
Other instructions:
For purposes of public health, kindly provide the following information for all who are attending:
Full Name & NRIC number
Phone contact
Please reply to the following personnel if you would like to make it for the session, and how many of you would be attending.
You can send this information to Ms Susan Ong at
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
open secrets to crafting a good proposal
Keep me posted on the journey. You may like to know that my mind goes through 32 cranium- blasts in every consultation. Your tutors often need to move 5 or 10 steps ahead of you to guide you through different aspects of the research process. Not easy. It helps alot if the team remains united and cooperates fully with the tutor in engaging an idea or pushing through a thought-process or argument. We stress alot on intellectual 0wnership for your own project.
reclaiming heritage exhibition 11-28 june
A topical exhibit that may interest some PW groups...should link be unstable...kindly google and proceed to NUS Museums webpage.
Monday, 8 June 2009
watch the signs
Friday, 5 June 2009
The Need for Conceptual Anchors
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Singapore Houses: Conservation
Something interesting for PW groups attempting conservation and architecture. There is a talk on "SINGAPORE HOUSES: epitomising, cutting-edge, residential architecture" by Robert Powell & Albert Lim KS. Details as follows: 11 June 2009, Thursday, 5 – 6pm, National Library Building, 100 Victoria Street, The Pod, Level 16 (access by private lift at level 1,opposite reception)
Due to limited seats, registration is required:
Margaret Kang.
62801330 before 8 June 2009
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
research & regard for personal safety
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
finding alternatives: com lab 3
It would help greatly if all groups bring along 5 sets of readings from your secondary research to substantiate your proposal during consultation. Remember that you are to defend, refine and apply your proposal in every appointment. Some previous slots have been rather unfruitful because members have been quiet and the tutor ends up doing too much of 'talking' in an attempt to lead discussions. This needs to stop.
Strive to have a good sparring session with me and each other. Only then will we be able to harness the real spirit to PW. A copy of the principal's cover letter to support you in collecting data from external organisations have been placed in your class pigeon-holes. Groups that have yet to collect them are to do so. Please zap a copy for your own group. Leave the original copy intact in pigeon-hole for others to use.
See you all.
Monday, 1 June 2009
data bank from indie blogs...
Sunday, 31 May 2009
the laptop
Saturday, 30 May 2009
further signs and directions
Mondays to Saturdays
Board SMRT Bus 925 from Kranji MRT Station.
Alight at Kranji ReservoirCarpark for 15-min walk to the Reserve.
Sundays and Public Holidays
SMRT Bus 925 stops at Reserve's entrance.Kranji ExpressKranji Express operates daily starting from 9am and ending at 5pm fromKranji MRT Station
Yesterday's edition of the Straits Times (30 May) has a significant feature on coral reefs under threat as well as race relations, topics which are pertinent to groups dealing with the 2 themes.